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Project Structure

Aura projects are structured like this:

| aura.toml | src/ | test/ | build/

The Aura CLI will construct the required project structure for you when you run the command aura new <proj_name>. The resulting project will also contain an optional in the project's root directory.


This is the project's configuration file, and is used by the Aura CLI both as a marker of the project's root directory and to extract information about the Aura project. The aura new command will produce a basic aura.toml file containing only three keys:

[project] name = <project_name> version = "0.0.1" description = ""

For a complete list of supported configuration keys, see Configuration Keys


This directory contains the project's Aura source code. The aura new command will add a single source file to this directory called <project_name>.aura, which will contain a simple Hello World program. Each directory under the src/ directory is considered its own module, and all source files in that directory must be a part of the same module (as identified by the mod declaration at the top of the source file).

To understand how to import local modules into other Aura source file, see Imports


This directory contains the project's tests. Currently, Aura does not support a test framework, so this directory is empty after running aura new.


This directory contains the project's build files produced by running aura build, as well as the Aura standard library and prelude. This directory should not be manually updated by the programmer.

Last modified: 03 April 2024