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Hello World

A typical "Hello world" program in Aura looks like this:

mod main import aura/io fn main() { io.println("Hello world") }

All Aura programs must begin with a mod statement that defines the source file's containing module. Following the mod statement is an import statement, which is used to include external modules in the current source file. In this case, the built-in aura/io package is imported, which contains methods for performing input and output operations. All Aura projects must define a main method, which is the project's entrypoint. In this program, the main function calls the println function, which is defined in the auro/io package that was imported earlier in the program.

Running this program with the Aura CLI tool via aura run will produce the output Hello world.

Congratulations! You've just written and run your first Aura program. The rest of this language tour will delve into the details of Aura in more depth.

Last modified: 03 April 2024