contains(l: [any], item: any) -> bool
Checks if the supplied item
is contained in l
is_empty(l: [any]) -> bool
Checks if the supplied list is empty
length(l: [any]) -> int
Returns an integer representing the number of items in the supplied list
map_(l: [any], f: fn(any) -> any) -> [any]
Applies f
to each item in the supplied list, and returns a new list containing the output of each function call
filter(l: [any], f: fn(any) -> bool) -> [any]
Applies f
to each item in the supplied list, and returns a new list containing all items in the supplied list that evaluated to true
reduce(l: [any], f: fn(any, any) -> any, start: any) -> any
Reduces the supplied list to a single value by successively applying f
to each item in the supplied list
main(l: [int]) -> int
Returns the minimum value in the supplied list of integers
max(l: [int]) -> int
Returns the maximum value in the supplied list of integers
push(l: [any], item: any)
Adds item
to the end of the supplied list
pop(l: [any]) -> any
Removes the final value in the supplied list and returns it
sum(l: [int]) -> int
Returns the sum of all items in the supplied list of integers