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The io module provides functions for dealing with input/output.

printf(format: string, a: ...any)

Constructs an output string by inserting each value in a into the format string and then printing the resulting string to the standard output. For example:

import aura/io io.printf("%d\n", 5) // 5\n name := "Bob" io.printf("Hello, %s", name) // Hello, Bob

Aura's supported format specifiers are the same as Go's format specifiers.

println(s: string)

Prints the supplied string to the standard output. A newline character is appended to the string before printing.

import aura/io io.println("Hello world") // Hello world\n

print(s: string)

Prints the supplied string to the standard output.

eprintln(s: string)

Prints the supplied string to the standard error. A newline character is appended to the string before printing.

eprint(s: string)

Prints the supplied string to the standard error.

readln() -> string

Reads a single line from the standard input. The trailing newline is removed before the line is returned.

read_file(path: string) -> string

Reads the entire content of the file located at the supplied path, and returns the contents as a string

read_lines(path: string} -> [string]

Reads the entire content of the file located at the supplied path, and returns the contents as a list of strings where each item in the returned list corresponds to one line in the file.

write_file(path: string, contents: string)

Writes the supplied contents to the file located at the supplied path. If the file already exists, it is truncated before the write occurs.

Last modified: 03 April 2024