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Comments in Aura can be defined in two different ways. First, single-line comments are preceded with //:

// This is a single-line comment, and will continue to the end of this line // The programmer may define multiple single-line comments in a row, but each one must begin with `//` i := 5 // Single-line comments don't need to be defined at the very beginning of a line, but they will always extend to the end of the line

These are great for short comments, or even a small number of single-line comments defined in a row. However, for longer comments, the programmer may instead wish to define a multi-line comment between /* and */:

/* Here is a multi-line comment. Unlike single-line comments, which extend to the end of the current line, multi-line comments will extend to their closing token, no matter how many lines it spans. These comments are useful when providing more detailed information that won't fit onto a single line, such as a documentation comment above a function declaration */ fn f(i: int) -> int { ... }
Last modified: 03 April 2024